Treasure Hunts The 1995 through 2012 Hot Wheels Treasure Hunts can be located by a green stripe with “Treasure Hunt” or “T-Hunt” on the packaging. As of 2013, the packaging no longer reveals that a vehicle is a Treasure Hunt and the cars are seeded into other series like “HW Racing” and “HW Stunt”. To identify one you have to find the low production symbol on the vehicle.
Super Treasure Hunts The 2007 through 2011 Supers are premium versions of regular T-Hunts and often have Spectraflame paint and Real Rider wheels. They can be identified by a green stripe with “Trea$ure Hunt$” or “T-Hunt$” on the packaging. In 2012, Supers stopped being premium versions of regular T-Hunts and became Super Secret Treasure Hunts. They are different cars, hidden in different series, and no longer have the green stripe on the packaging. To identify one you have to find the premium paint and tires and a “TH” symbol on the vehicle.
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