Embark on exciting adventures with Lloyd's Ninja Street Bike (71788), a LEGO NINJAGO playset packed with features and action for kids aged 4+!
Join the heroic ninja Lloyd as he races through the streets on his sleek motorcycle, ready to face any challenge that comes his way. This awesome playset features a movable flame function, a hidden compartment for Lloyd's katana, and a buildable Bone Temple with a skull-shaped roof and trap door.
Unleash the child's creativity and imagination with this fun-filled LEGO set as they:
- Build the colorful and detailed Lloyd's Ninja Street Bike
- Navigate the treacherous Bone Temple, complete with a hidden compartment and trap door
- Engage in exciting role-playing adventures with the Jay and Bone Guard minifigures
- Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination as they construct the set
- Enhance their storytelling and imagination skills as they create their own NINJAGO ninja missions
Unleash the power of LEGO NINJAGO and let your little ninja's imagination soar!
Make: LEGO
Series: Ninjago
Model Number: 71788
Model: Lloyd's Ninja Street Bike
If you have any questions regarding this model please give us a shout on questions.smallscalemodels@outlook.com
LEGO Ninjago - 71788 - Lloyd's Ninja Street Bike
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